When To Start Reading Bedtime Story Book For Baby?

When To Start Reading Bedtime Story Book For Baby?

It’s never too early to begin reading to your child. Reading kids bedtime story to your infant fosters a closeness that is immeasurable. Furthermore, it’s crucial for children’s brain and language development. Here’s how to read bedtime to your child to help your youngster develop a love of reading that will last a lifetime.

Reading Bedtime Story Books To Brain Development

All newborns are equipped to learn. Infants are encouraged to utilise their senses to explore the world via reading. What scent does mom have? How does the book make you feel? What’s that hazy shape I’m staring at? What does dad’s funny noises sound like?

Even if your infant can’t understand what you’re saying, reading stimulates all of their senses. Consequently, it should come as no surprise that reading to infants frequently and early boosts brain development and even aids in brain growth!

Bedtime stories benefits a kid’s development in a variety of ways, including through fostering communication skills, developing listening abilities, expanding vocabulary, and sharpening memory. Additionally, books teach your child to the concepts of numbers, colors, alphabet, and forms as well as the world they live in.

Additionally, reading to your child fosters language development. Babies will hear all the sounds they require to speak their native language throughout the first year of life. Therefore, their ability to communicate will improve the more books they read during their first year and if you haven’t started reading to your kid yet, now might be the best time to add this to your kid’s bedtime routine.

When Should You Start Reading Book To Your Baby?

There is never a bad time to start. From the minute he/she is born, your kid will like listening to you talk, sing, and read aloud because they already learnt to recognise your voice while still inside the womb. In fact, studies show that reading to your child will have a good effect on his development the earlier you begin.

Of course, at first, your baby won’t understand what you’re saying, but the various rhythms and sounds will serve to stimulate and strengthen their hearing as well as establish a solid foundation for later-on listening abilities.

No matter how old your kid is, reading to them frequently will help them realize that books are enjoyable. Additionally, reading to your child gives you and the child a brief period of peace and quiet that you may both appreciate. A calming element to your baby’s bedtime routine is cuddling up together and reading a story.

How Should You Reading Book To Your Baby?

The most crucial thing is that your child develops an understanding of the relationship between his favourite stories and the things he likes most, namely your or your partner’s proximity and sounds. Most importantly, they will appreciate the undivided focus that story time gives!

The primary goal of reading to your infant at first is to help them pick up on the cadence of language. Feel free to read from your preferred magazine or book because they won’t understand what you’re actually saying but will soon catch up on your tone of voice. Your baby is more likely to love what you’re reading if you’re enjoying it.

When To Start Reading Bedtime Story Books For Babies?
Bedtime Routine

Brightly colored images with distinct contrasts will definitely captivate your kid as their vision develops over the first several months. It’s a terrific idea to start introducing board books and picture books at this age because they are sturdy enough for their developing hands and mouth to explore.

Your infant will learn language skills through repetition, so look for stories that utilize the same words or phrases often, or just read your child’s favorite books to them frequently. Change the pitch of your voice or adopt different sounds for other characters to keep them engaged.

According to research, interactive reading is a fantastic technique to expand a child’s vocabulary and comprehension. Try to quiz your infant about what you’re reading even though they can’t yet respond to questions.

If there is a yellow ball in the book, for instance, point to the red ball they prefer to play with and ask them, “Which do you prefer? The yellow ball or the red ball?” For now, go ahead and inform them of the solution: “I believe you prefer the red ball to the yellow ball since you can play with it.”

Look for books that include built-in activities, such as images that are tucked away behind flaps or sliding panels. Another option is nursery rhymes, as your child will likely appreciate their sing-song beat and humorous content. You can recite them throughout daily rituals like bath time because they are also simple to remember (“Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a tub“).

The main priority should be making sure your child has fun. Read their favorite books and pay attention to their cues to determine when they’re ready for some cuddly story time. Give them time to point, tug, or feel the objects on the page.

The more you read, the better, but you don’t need to finish a book every day. In these early stages, reading aloud to your kid for a few minutes here and there is sufficient.


Avoid trying to teach your young child to read while you read to him or her; instead, concentrate on enjoying the story and the time spent together. The love of story time can be completely destroyed if early emphasis is placed on teaching letters, sounds, and syllables.

If you read to your child frequently enough, they will ultimately connect the letters on the pages with the sounds of the words when they are ready (phonics). Teaching them to enjoy reading is a far more priceless lesson in the interim. Keep reading our blogs for more kid’s bedtime tips.