



Started by two fathers, Adelie was born out of love – The love of making them read stories, singing lullabies and the love of making sure that they truly sleep like a baby.                      

As they were growing, we realized that toddlers need extra care to be put to sleep – just getting into their sleepwear does not mean that they are ready to sleep. 

As we moved through phases, we understood the child’s needs – the need to be in the most comfortable sleepwear that speaks sleep, the need to follow a set night routing routine so that they know it’s time to sleep, the need to read them simple but beautiful stories, the need to hear the soothing lullaby music.

These needs made us create Adelie – the most comfortable sleepwear that comes with essentials that will make your toddler sleep comfortably. 


Started by two fathers, Adelie was born out of love – The love of making them read stories, singing lullabies and the love of making sure that they truly sleep like a baby.   

As they were growing, we realized that toddlers need extra care to be put to sleep – just Getting into their sleepwear does not mean that they are ready to sleep. 

As we moved through phases, we understood the child’s needs – the need to be in the most comfortable sleepwear that speaks sleep, the need to follow a set night routing routine so that they know it’s time to sleep, the need to read them simple but beautiful stories, the need to hear the soothing lullaby music.

These needs made us create Adelie – the most comfortable sleepwear that comes with essentials that will make your toddler sleep comfortably.